You can find links to specific pieces of code below. If you'd like to get social with code, or watch my projects evolve please check out my github page.
- Power-Bean: an iOS app to control a Lightblue Bean to turn a PowerSwitch Tail II on and off
- SynAppSender: an app for collecting real-time responses from synaesthetes
- C4-libpd: a merge of libpd with C4 (deprecated)
- Synaesthesia Server: a server application for SynAppSender
- Lossless Processing : a collaboration with Joran Tate that started with a question about reordering pixels in an image
- Colour Data Processing : installation exploring colour representation. code
- Petcha Kutcha Presenter: a basic tool to present 20 images for 20 seconds each
- Website Favicon: why draw with anything besides code?
- BEEP: an online demo of simple sounds with a web interface and animation
- FlOrKestra: a laptop orchestra based on Flocking.js
Pure Data
- fathead: a PD external for simulating a 1000 foot head (for David Cecchetto)
- osciloscil: a collection of implementations of waveform modulation and oscillation
- artlib: a library of PD patches for logic and DSP
- This website: Pelican, mmenu, jQuery, Javascript, CSS3, oh my!